Monday, May 4, 2009

A New Week

This week I plan to get something constructive done, oh wait, I did get two things done today, now if it would stop raining and blowing cold wind, I could get my poor Petunia's planted and hope they don't freeze...

I also need to figure out how to ad pix to this blog thing,...Help, I need Help!

I don't know blogs from twitter, or "my face" or "our space" or all that other techo stuff..I don't even text.. messanger is about as far as I

What ever happened to plain old talking , writing letters, phone calls, which reminds me I need to call my cousin..
My youngest son did call me today, it was raining there too...He is the sweetest kid, the baby sometimes is the best, they see the older ones do dumb things, and they think... No way!


  1. Oh S~ my space is a place to get propositioned, seriously. I don't face book or any of that... my blahgging is boring, but something i do for myself, so i like it. Twittering is fun and addictive, ~that's me. Who's the cowboy? Does he belong to you? Speaking of calling, it does seem my phone is missing your number, again, im soooo blonde. Luv ya, Lisa

  2. and oh S is not oh **%$$, terrible. add yourself to my blog OK? Luv, Oh L.

  3. L-
    Yea that my baby boy, he was trying out for modeling job for this western wear co.

    I thought I did ad myself to your blog, if i didn't screw that up also

  4. L-
    Its not working,maybe I need to clear my history and cookies again &%$#@! I press the follow button on your page and have to sign in again,(but I am signed in already) and then a page tells me abt: follow private or public, no follow or add button apears...i dunno what me doing wrong

  5. click the follow public then you are added...
